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About our activity

Get to know us

A cause much greater than one's ownself, driven through the need for compassion, selfless devotion and inspiration, moved young people in different cities of Pakistan to join the cause of Wa Ta'wanu Alai Bir. The energy of youth, under the guidance of the wise and experienced, snowballed the movement into a full fledge platform of its own. With its own direction and young leadership involving students and young professionals, the long awaited drive for change has begun.

Goal #1

Tackle issue of Health, Education, Disaster management and Youth activism

Goal #2

Develop a sense of Unity & a consortium of youth led organizations:

Goal #3

Promote change through activism & initiatives:

Goal #4

Provide a direction for young people to reach their potential for a good cause.

17,230 causes

232 places

56 awards

134k people

volunteers do not
necessarily have the time;
they just have the heart.


Take a look at



TYF Chapters regularly organise and facilitate career counselling sessions, scholarship hunting workshops and teacher training programs for underprivileged schools. Saya School Systerm is a school for needy children in Islamabad and TYF Nust Chapter routinely holds sports day, tutoring and fundraising to provide better facilities for deserving children. TABA Youth Chapters in Lahore work closesly with Alam Bibi School Project so that deserving students can get quality education.

Joint Disaster Relief Drive

TYF raised $22,000 two times in collaboration with Human Appeal International for Syrian Families. TYF Chapters distributed medicine, food, clothes and toys of worth Rs. 8 million for IDPs and worked tirelessly to raise funds for earthuqakes and floods affected areas in 201 3 and 2015.

Youth activism and Capacity builiding

To make society better and to inculcate positivity in the very heart of it, we need to channel the enery of the youth. For that purpose we have been arranging workshops and seminars on diverse topics.


TYF in collaboration with TABA Foundation, regularly set health camps in remote and disaster stricken areas like Kasur, Isakhel, Gohawa. For many patients in these area TYF health camps are the only ray of hope.

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    Bahria University

    Bahria University is another #TABA Partner. After recruitment drive 2018 at Bahria University those students who applied for appointments of TABA core team, an orientation session was conducted for them. Indeed, students were passion driven and are all out to join this cause.


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    Team TYF Visited NETSOL & met Zainab Waseem and Huma Ejaz who are steering NETSOL social venture namely Hospitall. Topics of mutual interest were discussed to have joint Social activities in future. Looking forward to work in a close net INSHALLAH…


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    Pak Youth Revolution

    TYF will collaborate with educational project PYR is undertaking in Lahore for uplifting of school and educational standards.
    Together we will explore best possibilities and bring optimum results INSHALLAH.


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    Human Appeal International UK (Syria Campaign Cermony)

    All chapters of TABA Youth Force to include NUST University, Punjab University, University of Management & Technology, High School Network esp worked tirelessly in raising funds for Syrian Families in collaboration with Human Appeal International UK.
    All chapters completed target of $22000 together which will be used for the rations. TYF held a ceremony in Lahore TABA House, they presented Cheque to the Country Head Ms Faryal Human Appeal International.


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    Pakistan Citizen Alliance and K3 Shaheen

    TABA Youth Force has taken a long awaited first step signing MOUs with Youth Lead Organizations. Collecting jewels who are committed with their blood & souls serving humanity.

    TYF has signed MOUs with Pakistan Citizen Alliance and K3 Shaheen…two organizations with their remarkable services in society. A pack of highly spirited young souls.


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    University of Management and Technology

    TABA & University of Management and Technology /ORIC/IRP signs MOU for collaboration in projects.


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    South Asian Triple Helix Association

    TABA Youth Force was shortlisted by SATHA (South Asian Triple Helix Association) with other organizations engaged in social services. We bow our head to ALRAHMAN with all humility, #TYF has been selected as one of the best Humanitarian initiative serving humanity. ALHAMDOLILLAH


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    University of Lahore

    ALHAMDOLILLAH, another feather in the cap. TABA has signed with MOU with University of Lahore. One of the biggest Private University of Asia with 35,000 students from different disciplines. UOL is already looking after many humanitarian initiatives through its students.

    Way to go..


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    Punjab University

    TABA & Punjab University singed MOU to share strengths and resource of each other in projects of mutual interests. TABA will connect Punjab Univesity with concerned Social Sector entities serving Pakistan and cause, these social sector organizations will provide requisite support through their projects they are engaged in terms of information/ data sharing and Punjab University will engage their faculty and students to have case studies and research.
    TABA will also help PU with regards to internships of PU students and provide best possible support in arrangements of PU Seminars/ Workshops with regards to Social Development.


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    Lahore Garrison University

    TABA after signing MOU with Lahore Garrison University is to launch TABA Youth Chapter Lahore Garrison University. TABA has kick started pr-launch preparations, Khalid Mahmood Lead Operations TABA had a session with 18 Students Head of different LGU Societies. Wonderful interaction with capable and energized souls.
    Had session on Self Realization…..LGU management & these committed souls are all set to be part of this humble initiative, TABA Youth Chapter.
    Fingers crossed…


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